I find this post about how cool I am. I wonder who's blog it is. Phoebe maybe? She totally rocked when I worked with her back at AOHell. Oh yeah. It turns out to be her. Blogstalking in the works.
Yes, I was just perusing the web (distracted from my QAing) thinking how I don't get many comments or random emails asking me out on dates (believe it or not, I've only gotten about 2 of these in the 2+ years of blogging here). Not that I'm asking for them. That's way less from when I did my overnight radio show. (I would get calls from random guys asking me out after I did my air breaks, just by the mere sound of my voice.) G has gotten way more comment posts and personal emails from her blog, that's been up for 2 weeks or less, than I've gotten in the last month or so. That's great for her blog and I'm happy about it, but it makes me wonder about my own. Are the majority of my readers lurkers? Is my content really so egotistical that no one finds it interesting? That depresses me. It's true, I do this thing mostly for myself. But I do get a fair amount of hits. Comparison sucks, but I still do it. Like leaving the house, I like feedback. Nothing on the current series of dream actualization. Are my posts so out there that my readers don't know what to think? Are my words vague gibberish that sounds like English but comes out crazy? Or maybe what I write is just so obviously common sense to everyone except me. Would it be better if I talk about my love of driving or something more mundane or specific?
Don't worry. I'm already working on my next series that will teach you how to be enlightened by driving in Los Angeles. It's true.
Hey heathervescent!
I luv u, will u go out with me!
There, you now have another nerdy date request. lol.
I'm just an occassional lurker, with not too much to say. I enjoy reading your blog, and the others as they are linked to. Sometimes I come straight here, othertimes, I link from b.la.
Thanks for listening
Posted by: macphotog | September 27, 2005 at 02:21 AM
Sometimes it seems as if you're referring to things that are happening to you IRL that maybe those who do not know you in that way may not understand. Not that there's anything wrong with that-- it's just hard to comment on it.
And, I can't remember if I mentioned this, but I am loving your Heart's Desire series. It resonates within me as true.
Posted by: yoko | September 27, 2005 at 06:58 AM
Hey Heather! A blast from the past! Think back to early 1992 - where were you? Perhaps dressing in your lovely navy suit and working as a page???
Hope you're doing well.
Emily (not the singing one!)
Posted by: Emily | September 27, 2005 at 07:26 AM
I guess I qualify as a lurker around here of late. I'm sorry 'bout that. I dig whatever you write, your energy, your openness.
I have the same feelings when I blog. Last month I wrote from the heart about reconnecting with my daughter after five years and it gets linked by a very popular blogger and BAM! my hits and comments go strato. Then all of a sudden I'm feeling that I HAVE TO write something that keeps those new readers coming back for more of my deathless prose. Something IMPORTANT. ENGAGING.
I got over that real quick. My blog is me and more likely than not it's gonna be about yardwork last Saturday or a dogwalk on Sunday or a bike project during the week or whatever reptile or rodent one of the cats dragged in. I never got into this to be popular and I never judge a blog by the number of its comments. The traffic you get is because you got the verve and know how to swing it.
Two last words -- no, three... and a semicolon: DEATH VALLEY; NOVEMBER
Posted by: Will Campbell | September 27, 2005 at 11:30 AM
Hey everyone. Thanks. Yeah Will - Death Valley. Thanks Yoko. Heart's Desire is fun to write. Let me know if you use it and how it works. Emily, I think I still have my name tag. And believe it or not, I have Joe Heaps Nelson's current email address. And macphotog, thanks for the date request. :)
Posted by: heathervescent | September 27, 2005 at 09:13 PM
Your blog is sometimes insightful and interesting, but its egocentric nature is off-putting. You want to be famous, but for what? Being relatively intelligent but self-absorbed? You want people to PayPal you if so inclined? Puhleeze!
Posted by: Observer | January 02, 2006 at 10:59 PM
Um, actually, I _don't_ want to be famous. You've jumped to a conclusion, there. I want to be the best person I can become. I want to inspire other people to be the best they can be as well. That's why I live the life I do, and why I write about it. It's inspiring some people to actually follow their dreams, instead of dissing people who dare to.
Posted by: heathervescent | January 03, 2006 at 12:32 AM