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December 31, 2004



Hi Heather! I LOVE your resolutions! As you know, I've always been an incessant list-maker (and resolution-maker) myself. But, while in Brazil about 3 years ago, I made a New Year's resolution to stop making resolutions and just go with the flow. The idea was that, without a list, I would do more things on a whim and be open to the unplanned and unforeseen. Problem is that I get so much less done without a list! Not to mention that even with a list, there's always room for the unplanned. So, it's been fun without them but I'm now inspired to come up with some new resolutions for '05 after reading yours. :)


Hey Heather-- thanks for the kind words on my blog. I'm looking forward to reading about your own adventures in 2005. Best wishes to you in the new year!


Your resolutions are so well thought out and succinct. It gives me inspiration to sit down and write a few of my own. One time I had the resolution to not eat any donuts that year. It worked.

And I'm digging the new "look and feel" of your blog.

Happy New Year Heather!!


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