I'm leaving san francisco. it seems these things always happen when you're about to take some big action or change.
I spent the day with one of my best friends. we hung out in various parts of the city. driving through the mission. a back patio in hayes valley. Open faced sandwiches and a trickling fountain. A few hours in Japantown. A stationary shop where I bought a notebook with these words "Be chic about a notebook. Tasty character is our basic criterion." I could say that about my friends. They must be tasty. A conversation sitting on stumps and bark. Tea.
This is a fine pace.
Thinking about how relationships change - because they are forced to change. And as I look in retrospect at relationships that have changed - it has been for the better. It all works out the way it is supposed to.
Buying too many CDs at Amoeba. The Bjork that plays over and over in my mind. Some gems in finding CCR and Chico Science.
Driving to the edge of the western world and then skirting the edge of it with John Fogarty crooling through Proud Mary and Heard it through the Grapevine.
The whole bay as our listening room as I am flashed back to Brazil with Mad Professor and David Byrne remixes of Chico Science e Nacao Zumbi from Twin Peaks.
The meloncoly drive back, signaling the end of a perfect day.
Um dia perfeito. Vamos fazer um filme.
He says, as I go to LA, that I'll be famous next. I'm looking out at the bay. At the helicopters hovering over the bay bridge. At the clouds swimming by above us. At the east bay, where all my dreams came true. But I look at him with a twinkle in my eye and tell him, that then my dreams changed. And that's why I am moving to LA.
I have no choice to but to go. But it's not easy.
Especially after a day like today.
But then again. If I wasn't leaving, a day like today might not have ever happened. And who knows what the future brings. A two seater convertible, a drive in the LA hills. The museum of jurassic tech, my mansion in malibu. (Well, if I am going to be famous, at least now my ego is in check.) I promise to send southwest tickets and meet up in other countries. Who knows what will happen.
I have my dreams. My flight over the ocean. My flight into infinity.